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Thank you for thinking of Cinterra Entertainment.  




We DO review all submissions for literary representation so please do not submit more than once every six months.


Due to the volume of submissions, we are only able respond if we feel like you may be a fit for our lit roster at this time. Our literary roster includes writers, directors and producers. 


Writers, please tell us about your genre goals and expertise along with any accolades your writing has garnered. Directors, feel free to include your reels. Producers, tell us about your completed projects and provide any applicable links.


ACTORS! Submit via our Talent Submission Page


​We do not accept unsolicited material. Please do not send ANY written material including treatments, scripts or pitches with your submission for representation. Submissions with material that is not specifically requested will be deleted immediately, and could impact your submission for representation. 


We do participate on InkTip and Virtual Pitch fest and review materials from well-respected contests. Great writing does get found - we promise

Thank You For Submitting To Cinterra Entertainment!

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